Homemade peach ice cream recipes

Nothing says summer like a perfectly ripe peach. What better way to celebrate peach season than homemade peach ice cream!!!

We’ve been trying some fun recipes and couldn’t help share them with you.

The NYT recipe below is a classic which never disappoints. 

If you’re looking for something a little different, try David Lebovitz’s (former Chez Panisse chef) recipe from his ice cream book The Perfect Scoop. It has some extra tartness to balance out the sweetness.

Heres to summer friends. 

Nyt Peach ice cream


4 pounds ripe peaches
1 and 1/4 cups sugar (or more, as needed)
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 quart (4cups) heavy cream
1 2-inch piece of vanilla bean (or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract)


Step 1

Peel peaches over a large bowl to catch the juice. Halve and pit them and chop roughly. Place in the bowl and sprinkle with 1/2 cup sugar, the salt and lemon juice and let them sit for 30 minutes.

Step 2

While peaches macerate, put cream and remaining sugar in saucepan with vanilla bean or vanilla. Heat over medium-low heat, stirring frequently to keep from scorching, until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and cool. Discard vanilla bean. 

Step 3

Pour cream over peaches and mix thoroughly. Taste to see if it needs more sugar. (This will depend on the peaches.) Refrigerate until chilled.

Step 4

Pour the mixture into an ice-cream machine and freeze according to the manufacturer’s directions until set but not quite hard. (If serving immediately, freeze harder.) pack the ice cream into a bowl or mold to completely solidify. When it has hardened, dip mold into hot water or wrap in a hot towel and invert into a serving platter. Or, simply scoop and serve. 

Yields about 1 1/2 quarts, 6 to 8 servings



slightly tart ice cream from the perfect scoop


1 1/3 pounds ripe peaches (about 4 large peaches)
1/2 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup sour cream
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
A few drops freshly squeezed lemon juice



Makes about 1 quart

An effortless way to peel peaches is to cut an X in their bottoms and then lower them into a pot of boiling water for about 20 seconds. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the peaches to a colander and shock them by rinsing under cold water. When cool enough to handle, you’ll find their fuzzy peels just slip right off. 

Step 1

Peel the peaches, slice them in half, and remove the pits. Cut the peaches into chunks and add them with the water to a medium, nonreactive saucepan. Cover and cook over medium heat stirring once or twice, until the peaches are soft and cooked through, about 10 minutes. Remove from the heat, stir in the sugar, and then cool to room temperaturel

Step 2

Once cooled, puree the peaches and any liquid in a blender or food processor with the sour cream, heavy cream, vanilla, and lemon juice until slightly chunky but almost smooth.

Step 3

Chill the mixture thoroughly in the refrigerator, then freeze it in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 


Pair with: We enjoyed our peach ice cream with the Nadi Riesling and it was delightful